Detective Games Online

Suicide Investigation Game

Okay, our suicide investigation game will probably make you want to commit suicide yourself as it can be a tad frustrating, but persevere with it. You are told that your father is dead and that he committed suicide, but you have a nagging doubt. Certainly the note left by your father suggests suicide as he begs you to forgive him, but forgive him for taking his own life or did he mean something else? Did he really kill himself? It's up to you to find out! Now, most point and click games are familiar to play, but this one is a bit more difficult as you have to workout places to go and type the place name in the box provided. Make sure you use capital letters for the first letter of places like "Hospital." Oh, and the hospital archives are a good place to start searching using the computer. After you've played this suicide investigation game why not check out our other murder mystery detective games?

Suicide Investigation

Suicide Investigation

Suicide Investigation

Suicide Investigation


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Murder Case Game

This murder case detective game set in an old mansion needs to be solved quickly or you're next to die!
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Suicide Investigation Game

Free Suicide Investigation Game

Play our free online suicide crime investigation game after your father was found dead in his room, but you suspect it wasn't actually suicide.