Detective Games Online

Seance Game

The investigation into the Elder Star cult takes a further turn as you are invited to participate in a seance in part VI of the Arcane Stone Circles mystery. What will the spirits reveal and how can that take you closer to solve this enduring mystery? Ophelia, Gregor and Prescott meet with Baroness Vonarburg at her country mansion to find out. This game will see you transported into the past whilst in a trance like state. To get you going click on the funeral urn and Ophelia will take then it then click on one of the people sitting on the table. You will find them all in a trance or frozen then take the Baroness's tiara and click on the candle in the centre of the table. Ophelia will blow it out and you will see the fireplace. If you get stuck, there's a video walkthrough below. After you play this seance mystery game why not check out and play the next episodes below?



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